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Post Simple Videos & Make $30,000/Month Make Money Online

        one thousand dollars a day right on YouTube just by posting simple videos that equals to about thirty thousand dollars a month this is h2o it's inorganic transparent odorless and tasteless and it's contained inside every living creature on earth in this video I'm gonna show you how you can earn $30,000 a month with h2o on YouTube step-by-step the very first thing you must do is go right over to welcome back guys my name is bi mark I create videos that show people how to make money online and if you subscribe right now I will send you a notification and an update whenever I create a new video so you don't miss anything and if you stay towards the end of this video I'm gonna share with you a bonus that will allow you to make even more money right on line warning results are not typical please use this at your own risk you may only make $200.

 a day or maybe only $500 a day using this method use this at your own risk and please be careful before you proceed watch every second of this video and if you do you'll learn how to make thirty thousand dollars a month by the end of this video using water exactly how to make between 500 to 1,000 dollars a day on autopilot how to make sure you have a consistent daily income coming in you will soon discover how easy it is to make money on YouTube this is something you have never seen before from this day forward your life and your financial situation could dramatically transform just think about what you will do with all the extra money inside of your account imagine waking up in the morning and instead of going to a job you have complete freedom to enjoy yourself and do whatever you want in life this is about to begin find a comfortable chair grab a glass of water and get ready to watch the video videos about water can earn you thousands of dollars a day on YouTube that could equal out to 30 or even 50 or a hundred thousand dollars a month.

 this is super powerful and I'm going to share with you a step-by-step tutorial on this video that's going to blow your mind the first step is to create a new YouTube channel go right over to google and type in create a new channel on YouTube and you should find this page right here now you will need a Google account to get started and if you don't have one it's fairly easy to sign up with a new account videos about water and rain are super popular on YouTube and they're getting millions and millions of views every single day.

 it's because people are just having a real difficult time sleeping at night with all the stress that we have in the world just from our day-to-day job and could be relationships and indifferent things that are going on with our life it could be health it could be a financial type thing it could be maybe paying more bills or you know we're just dealing with so much stress and these videos help us to relax we can listen to them all night long and it just cuts out all the outside noise around us and we can find ourselves going into a much deeper sleep so people love watching these videos it really helps them to relax and that's why I want to share this with you.

 guys looking over here on the channel right here that's called relaxing white noise this is one of the most profitable channels on YouTube earning anywhere from 30 to 90 thousand dollars a month just in Adsense revenue and you can see some of the results right here when you join the YouTube Partner Program and you start making money with Adsense revenue you're going to have ads that play at the very beginning of your videos and it's going to look something like this new Poligrip cushioning comfort is our first formula designed for extra comfort and all-day.

 hold now if you want to see what these videos will look like and sound like while i've got an example over here i'll go ahead and play this back for you here we go so we've got some raindrops coming down dripping down the window we've got some Thunder going on in the background and we've got a video of it looks like it's inside of a house or shed or something and we're looking out the window looking at the trees with the water coming down and you can see this is really really relaxing I'm gonna show you guys how you can create this exact same video well not only this video but a video that's very similar to it that can create the same feelings of relaxation and calmness that your viewers are absolutely going to love to get started.

 we must start with a sound so let's start with royalty-free rain sounds now there's a couple ways you guys can generate rain sounds one way is to record your own rain sounds so I don't know if you live in a rainy area I know we get quite a bit of rain here in Florida but there's a little device that you can get and it's called a field recorder or a portable recorder and this is the h5 zoom recorder right here and this is actually something that I have and it records stereo digital sound now I know some of you are on a tight budget so if you don't have the funds available to purchase something like this then I have a couple of their different methods that you can do the other one would be to come over here to  now this is a huge library full of different sounds that you can use royalty-free as it states right up here you are allowed to use the sounds on the website free of charge and royalty-free in your projects so for an example.

 I can come down here and find a sound effect that I want to use and I can just simply play that back inside of the browser so we can hear what it sounds like something nice and relaxing with some raindrops coming down I really like that then after that what we can do is we can choose to download via WAV or mp3 so or two different types of file formats and you don't need an account so you can simply just click on these download buttons right here and that will download the file directly to your hard drive now if you guys are looking for sounds that have a little bit higher quality than what you can do is come over here to epidemic sound so it's over here at and now they do have a huge library full of royalty-free music.

 that you can use on your YouTube videos and you don't have to worry about getting demonetised or anything like that these are copyright free for you to use and what you can do is is you can come over to their sound effects library this is really powerful and there's just a huge library here that you guys can check out they have a number of different tracks that have rain and thunder and you can filter by the different things that you want so if you want any more you know if you want heavy weather or if you want a heavy sounding rain or a light sounding rain all that is ready for you right here let me go ahead and just play back one of these that we have so I'll just let you see what this sounds like so you can see it's very settled you have a little light rain in the background but just a very very kind of like a distant .

Thunder going on there yeah it's very nice very relaxing now epidemic sound does charge a fee this is going to be around 15 dollars a month and I actually have an account and I use the music from epidemic sound on my video so a lot of people ask me hey mark where do you get your music a lot of the music comes from epidemic sound so it's only 15 dollars a month which is fairly a little bit lower than were what you would pay on a lot of other different websites out there that have this sort of thing so make sure to go over there and check it out now once you have all the sound effects for your project this could be rain or thunder or any other relaxing sounds that you can find then we must download a video.

but not just any video a relaxing background video something that we can use that's royalty-free and something that we have the rights to use so we don't get in trouble from YouTube or anybody else out there well there's a website out there called pixels this is over at and you have the rights to use these videos right on your YouTube channel so that's really cool now what I did is I went over to and I typed into word rain at the very top here inside of the search box now at first you might see a huge listing of different photos but there's a video tab right up here at the very top go ahead and click on that and that'll list all the videos on the website that have the keyword rain and so this gives you just a huge variety of different videos to choose from so this is really cool.

 I can just go through here and pick one out I kind of like this one right here that has the swing going on there that's pretty cool let me go ahead and make that a little bit closer so you guys can see what this looks like so yeah see I'm looking at that the swings wet it's kind of an overcast day and it's it's been raining a little bit so I'm gonna use this video for my project and you guys don't even need to have an account over at pixels you can simply just find the video that you want and then come up here on the top right and click on the button that says free download that'll download it directly to your hard drive and then you guys will be all set to go but there's one thing that we must do first before we put together the video and that's to edit the audio files.

 that we have downloaded now a free audio editor that you can download online there's one called audacity and this is over at audacity team dot o-r-g and this is a free open-source cross-platform audio software that you guys can use it's available for all the different platforms Windows Apple and Linux so you can download this right now just click right here where it says download audacity and that'll walk you through the different steps now once you have that downloaded go ahead and open it up I've already got mine installed here so you can follow along with me step by step through this whole process and I've also got some files here that .

I've downloaded for my project so I have some rain files I have a video file here and I also have some music some nice relaxing Zen music that's gonna go on in the background and I'll show you guys how to place this all together and by the way if you guys are looking for music for your videos well the best place to go is the YouTube audio library so you can go over to google and type in YouTube's audio library and you should find this right here so if you're looking for some relaxing music or something like I just typed in the keyword Zen and I pressed enter on the keyboard and then I found a few tracks right here.

 the one I found is silence for film which sounds pretty cool I kind of like that okay but first we're going to open up our audio editor and then we're going to go to the folder on our hard drive that contains the files that we've downloaded from these websites and an easy way to get your files or your audio tracks into audacity is to just simply drag them from the window inside of your desktop to the software so what I can do is just click on this file right here and then just drag it over into this dark gray area and then release the mouse and that will import it into audacity okay so let's go ahead and play this back and see what it sounds like okay nice there's only one thing though this audio file is only one minute long and since a lot of people listen to

these different videos when they're sleeping or maybe when they're meditating we're gonna have to make it a little bit longer than one minute and there's really a really cool way to extend your audio tracks inside of audacity and that's what I'm going to show you how to do so we can zoom out of this so we can see everything I'm going to click on the little zoom tools here at the very top and then next what I'll do is I'll drag in another copy of the same audio file into audacity so I'll drag that into the grey the dark grey area here in the background and now I have two tracks of rain and so let me go ahead and just zoom out once more but you can see that they're over lapped and what we want to do is we want to extend this audio file we want to extend the rein up to two minutes long now you can repeat the same method and process that.

 I'm going to show you and you can extend this up to 15 or maybe even 30 minutes long and so but what I'm gonna do is grab this tool right up here at the very top and this is called the time shift tool now this allows once elected it allows me to shift and move the audio files around inside of the different tracks so how cool is that because if I just place the audio file right at the very end of the other audio file well listen and you're gonna hear a dip in the sound there's going to be a gap in the sound I'll go ahead and play this back okay did you hear that it kind of faded out and then it faded back in well we don't want that it's pretty obvious every minute you're gonna hear that dip in the sound so we want to get rid of that so one way that we can fix that is to use this tool but then to come over here and slide that tool just so the second track the audio on the second track overlaps the first audio track look at that now let me go ahead and play this back and let's hear

the difference in the sound look at that wow it was really hard to tell where that gap was between the two audio files now what you guys are going to do is repeat this same process for multiple different tracks if you want to so every single track you can say that would in this case that would be one minute so in this is two minutes that I have so far and you can just keep extending this and extending this as long as you want this is great for some of you that do not have long recordings of rain you can simply just have multiple different audio tracks overlapping each other inside of audacity and then when you guys are all set and ready to go you like the way everything sounds then all you need to do at this point is to just come up here to the menu up here on file and choose export and you have the options to export as mp3 or a WAV file which is a non compressed file type method you're probably gonna get a little bit better sound quality with the WAV option but mp3 will work just fine so once you guys have all the audio files and video files ready you have them all

contained inside of a folder on your hard drive the next thing is to use a video editor all right now I'm on the Mac so I'm using iMovie this is a free software that you can find inside of the Apple App Store you can just type in iMovie if you don't have it installed and yeah so this is a hundred percent free for Mac users or Apple users now if you are not on the Mac or if you don't have an Apple computer you can use a piece of software called open shot this is over at open shot dot o-r-g it's some open source software it's available for Windows Apple products and also Linux so this is a great piece of software they also have different tutorials on the website to walk you through and they teach you how to use the software as well but for this video I will be using my iMovie and wherever the iMovie is here it is I almost lost it there for a minute okay so what we're gonna do here is create a new project in iMovie and then we're going to compile all of our different files that

we've downloaded from these websites and we're gonna make a video I'm going to show you how to do everything step by step and this is probably a lot easier than you think all right let's go over here and click on new and then I will select movie okay great now all we have to do is go over to the folder on our hard drive where we've saved the files for our project and so I've got rain two minutes this is a file that I've exported from audacity so all I'm gonna do is just click on that and drag that right into the timeline look at that just drops right in there and then what I'll do is I will drag in the video that I downloaded from pixels so I'm gonna click right here and just drag that in right on top of the audio and let's go ahead and hear what this sounds like so far what it sounds like and what it looks like so here we go I'll play this back by pressing the spacebar on the keyboard here we go this alone is enough to relax me I don't really need any music or anything to go along with it it's really surprising how almost all the videos out there that get the most views they don't even have any music at all it's just some very nice gentle rain dropping with a little bit of thunder in

the background so it's very peaceful it's very very relaxing so there's something else that we can add on to this and what we can do is add a little music maybe some soft gentle music with this just to spice it up a little bit this is totally optional maybe you can make one video with the music and then another video without totally up to you now I have a file here that I've downloaded from the YouTube music library and it's right here silence for a film I'll go ahead and click on that and drag that into the timeline here and there it is so let's go ahead and see what this looks like and hear what it sounds like here we go that's really nice another thing

that you can do is you can adjust the volume for each of these clips if you find that there are different areas inside of the video or around the different spots like maybe such as right here if you find that music to be a little bit louder than what you can do is hover your pointer over the audio file and you'll get these two little arrows here little horizontal arrows and this will allow you to lower the volume level of that clip look at that and so now you can just barely hear it there and that really cool of course we don't have our video for the video what you can do is you can do different transitions so I can take a copy of this video I can hold down command C and then go to the very end and then hold down command V and that's control V on Windows or if you're using the PC and that will extend this another thing that you can do is add different transitions and different things.

 so if you're trying to extend your videos if you only have a short video maybe around three or five minutes long well what you can do is add different transitions so your videos will fade it will fade in between each other so it looks a little bit more like a cross-dissolve and a neat is easy way to do that inside of iMovie is to grab this cross dissolve over here on the transitions tab click on that and drag that in between the different Clips and you can also control the duration of this as well so there's a lot of things that you can do here I can enter in let's just say I want this cross dissolve to last 5 seconds so in other words this transition between these two video clips will be 5 seconds I can go ahead and apply that let me go ahead and just play this back

so we can see what this transition looks like here we go there we go so it's going to look something like that you might see a little fade in between the video clips so once you guys have finished editing your video then what you can do is export it so you can upload it to YouTube now there's a couple ways that you can do this one way is to come over here to the very top where you'll see a little share button so go ahead and click on that you can upload directly to YouTube from iMovie this is really gonna save you a lot of time or you can also download or export the file directly to your hard drive from iMovie and then go to youtube and upload it from there so there's a couple different ways that you guys can do this now the more videos you make and upload to YouTube the more views that you're going to get and those views are going to translate into more subscribers if you want to be eligible for the YouTube Partner Program you just need one thousand subscribers and four thousand watch hours you guys can do this once you start uploading on a regular basis you'll get there in no time and this really reminds me back in the day

when I was struggling trying to figure out the secret on how to make money online here's a picture of me sitting in a garage we lived in a small house and I had this little plastic fold-up desk inside of my garage and I remember struggling just looking at this picture it's so precious to me this is the only one I have around that time and I remember just spending months trying to figure out how to make money online and it took me a really really long time to to figure out what to do and a lot of people asked me mark how do you make your money I mean what do you do well it wasn't until I plugged in with the right people that showed me step-by-step on exactly how to create a full time passive income right online now a passive income is something where you make money while you sleep as a matter of fact I woke up this morning and I had new money inside of my account so I just got my phone every morning I check my phone and I have new money inside of the account or a passive income is something where you can make money while you're out on vacation or while you're traveling it really doesn't matter where you are and it's great for those of you that don't want to be on the computer all the time and this has changed our lives it's allowed us to move down here to southern

 we were in Oregon for a while we were up there it was cold and I asked my wife I said you know what this passive income business this thing that we've started online that anybody can do this is working so well for us where do you want to live you know we were we were tired of being cold we had to keep keep the kids inside like almost nine months out of the year and so I asked my wife I said honey if you could move anywhere that you want in the United States where do you want to live so she said well let's go to Florida so we packed the car and this is the last day we were in Oregon and I was wearing that big jacket I remember

that and wearing pants and not even a week later from this photo right here we have arrived in Florida so I went from wearing a big jacket and jeans to wearing shorts and flip-flops in southern Florida whose just really really cool but guys I would have never been able to do this unless I really got in touch with people and learned from some of the best out there that could really show me exactly what to do instead of just wasting my time spending hours trying to kind of do what I thought that was the right thing to do I never really got anywhere I really went I wasted money I wasted time I it was it was hard on our relationship with my wife it really it was a it was just it wasn't a very pleasant experience and so what I'm going to do today if you guys

want to learn how to create I don't look I don't know what your situation is if you're tied up with a nine-to-five if you've got somebody telling you what to do you want to break out of traffic in an have more time and freedom to call your own shots to do what you want and just to change your whole not only your financial situation but maybe you're going through stress you just want more freedom you want to have just be able to kind of do what you want and and not feel so restricted and and be excited about kind of you know when you get up in the morning you want to just you have this whole bright view of the day and you're excited about life again and everything and I know because I remember not wanting to wake up I didn't want to go on with the day but see that's changed and I'm gonna share something with you guys right now that I think will help you and possibly turn things around for you as well down below in the description of this video I've got a link there go ahead and click on that that'll take you over to another video actually a video of me and I will share with you a little bit about you know what this whole passive income thing is all about and I think you guys will absolutely love it


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