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Earn $30 Per Hour WATCHING VIDEOS | Make Money Online

  you're already doing it we're all guilty of binge watching videos on Netflix and YouTube for hours and hours just because we're bored then one day I had this wild idea what if there was a way to actually  make money watching videos online this  way I could sit on my butt watch TV  shows and have the bills paid at the  same time so I searched the internet and  I found some ways you can make money  watching videos you can even choose the  topics that you want to watch and the  greatest part is it pays through PayPal

 over and over again welcome back guys my  name's bi mark I create videos that  show people how to make money online and  if you subscribe right now I will send  you a notification and an update  whenever I create a new video so you  don't miss anything and if you stay  towards the end of this video I'm gonna  share with you a bonus that will allow  you to make even more money right online  warning results are not typical you may  only make $12 an hour or maybe even just  $9 an hour using this method so please  be careful before you proceed watch  every second of this video and if you do  you'll learn how to make between twelve  and thirty dollars per hour by the end  of this video.

 exactly how to make a  part-time income without leaving your  home how to make sure you have a  consistent daily income coming in people  spend hours and hours a day watching  videos at home in the car and even at  work so it's obvious that it's something  we all enjoy doing well isn't it time to  get paid for doing something that you  love  just imagine the next time you sit down  at your computer and watch videos your  bank account grows right along with you  and hey if you want a binge watch then  go right ahead that's okay the more you  watch the more money you can earn  according to this website the way you  guys are going to get paid is going to  be through PayPal just like it says here  PayPal payments are sent to the paypal  email address you've set underneath your  account once you've added your paypal  email address to your account .
then you  can start earning rewards which you can  later redeem for PayPal cash then you  can start earning commissions that look  just like this for all of the videos  that you watch here's my account right  here and up here I have some points that  are currently  accumulating at the moment I have 880  points and so that equals
out to 8  dollars and 80 cents now I can watch all  this at any time and I'm gonna show you  how to build up your points on your  account right on this video as a matter  of fact just before I recorded this  video this was about what we got about  three hours ago I received this email  and this was an email from PayPal from  the exact website that we were just on a  website that's going to pay you for  watching videos so here's payment proof  right here this is directly from PayPal  and I've received $10 they say thank you.

  here's my transaction details that was  today April 10th and so there's all the  information and this is proof that this  really works but before you get started  you must have a PayPal account so go  right over here to PayPal calm and then  come over here and click on sign up and  that'll take you over to this page right  here now all you need is a personal  account so go ahead and click on  personal and click on next that's gonna  bring you over to this page now you guys  just need a little bit of information to  get up and running with this all you  need is the first and last name and  email and a password and you guys will  be on your way if your PayPal account is  set up they come right over to this  website right here they're gonna pay you  for watching videos and shows right  online now I'll be giving you the names  of these websites throughout the rest of  this video so stay with me here because  this is really gonna get good ok.

 so I'm  over on this website right now now  there's several things that we can do we  can do different offers we can do  surveys but what we want to do is watch  videos so just make sure to click on the  videos button right here and this is  going to allow us to choose the types of  videos and TV shows that we want to  watch by going through the different  topics here so I can click on the little  right arrow over here or the little left  arrow and choose a type of that I  like so maybe I like watching viral  videos maybe I want to watch a gaming  videos or adventure and lifestyle videos  or maybe like movie buzz or Tech Talks  I can see there's a lot of different  topics here different things that I  would want to watch myself and get paid  for doing it it's pretty cool when  you've decided on a topic then just go  ahead and click on that button so let's  just say I want to watch viral videos or  something I always watch viral videos  anyway so I'll click on that right there  and that's gonna open up a little window  confirming that this is what I want to  do they're gonna pay me a certain amount of  White's here for every minute and every  time I watch videos so go ahead and  click
on that green button there after  you do that it's going to open up a new  window and then there's gonna see like .

 you're gonna see an advertisement start  to play on the video now what this  advertisement is all about this is how  the websites making their money and what  they're doing is is they're sharing some  of that advertising and ad revenue with  you so that's how you guys are gonna get  your rewards that you can later redeem  for PayPal money it's really a cool deal  so check out this I could just sit back  watch this viral video do whatever I  want I could have the computer playing  in the background I could be in the  living room in my car outside on the  patio or whatever kicking my feet up  doing whatever I want  staying at home having the video play  and earn money while doing it it's  pretty cool it's an a really a genius  idea now to see the points that you guys  have earned while you're watching the  videos down here you're gonna find a  little button that says rewards so go  ahead and click on that and it's going  to tell you how many points you have  earned while you're watching the videos  and every time you earn points from this  little window right here that's going to  be added to your account back over on.

  here and then you can take those points  and redeem those anytime that you want  so let's say I want to watch videos on  food so let's go ahead and click on that  food button right there I'll go ahead  and click on the green button and  confirm that it'll open up into a new  tab and then the video will  automatically start to play it's that  simple guys you're gonna see a little  bit of an advertisement at the beginning  but then after that the food show starts  you can learn cooking you can learn how  to make things you could learn about  tech stuff TVs phones I mean whatever  you want there's so many different  topics and categories right on this  website now when you've earned enough  money inside of your account to cash out  here's what you're gonna do come right  over here to the top left and click on  redeem that's gonna take you over to  this page right here and there it is a  big button that says PayPal now you  don't have to use PayPal right let's say  you want to convert your points to an  Amazon gift card well then because maybe  you want to go on to Amazon and order  something and have it sent to your house  you can do that or maybe even Walmart or  Best Buy or maybe add some points and  some credits to your Xbox account and buy some games you can do all of

that with this website so for this video what we're gonna do here is go over the PayPal portion but so I'm gonna click right here on PayPal and that's gonna take me right over here and what's really cool about this website is they have a feature called Auto redeem so this means you can make money you can have the points converted into PayPal cash and have it sent to your account automatically without even doing nothing and you can set that by clicking on the auto redeem button right here so depending on how many points that you accumulate so let's just say if whenever you receive 500 points for watching videos well they're gonna automatically send you five dollars directly to your account or let's just say whenever your account reaches 2,500 points they're gonna send you $25.00 PayPal cash directly to your account and that's exactly how I've earned my rewards right here see all of these rewards on my account that have been processed have been sent to me automatically I really don't do nothing and I love that feature with this website if you're enjoying

what you're seeing on this video so far smash the like button right now give me a thumbs up and tell me below leave me a comment and tell me which country you're from this way I can provide more videos for making money online that work in your area all right let's go ahead and jump back into the video another website where you can get paid for watching videos is this one right over here so watch entertaining videos and earn easy points you can earn points for each video that you watch our video inventory refreshes every day so start earning now all right this sounds really cool and they work with some pretty big companies like Yahoo CNN the penny hoarder and the Wall Street Journal the way it works is you guys watch videos then you earn points and then you choose your rewards it's really straightforward and you can earn a hundred points just for signing up which is kind of cool so come up

 here and what you're gonna do is click on join or you can also click on get started that's gonna bring you over to this page right here you guys can simply and quickly sign up with a Facebook account or just enter in your email first name and last name and password and then you guys will be on your way and then after that you guys get access to the dashboard that's inside of the account now once you get here the very first thing you're going to want to do is come over here and click on watch videos and just like the other website you guys can choose out of the number of different categories topics for any kind of video that you want so if you want to watch buzz videos about music or movies you can do that you can watch tech videos comedy videos viral videos I think I'm gonna watch viral videos again let's go ahead and check that out and then a little pop-up will come up here on the screen which looks just like the other website and it is because it's from the

same company and this is really great so you can have multiple videos playing in the background you guys could earn more points from multiple websites more cash for you more PayPal money that's what it's all about all right so this is playing right here we've got I don't we got some dog here going on and he's pulling knives out the door there I don't know what's always happened in the air okay so uh all right pretty cool that's a pretty big dog I think this golden retriever I don't even know if he's gonna golden read it looks like one but I'm not like a dog expert or anything like that but it looks really cool so it's the same thing just like the other website what you guys are gonna do is scroll scroll all the way down to the very bottom and then right here where it says rewards click on that and then where it says points that's where you're going to see the points start to accumulate and then what you're gonna do after you're done watching these funny videos then go ahead and close out the window and then you will see up here on the top right you will see your points

start to add up here and when you have enough points here's what you're going to do you're going to come right over here and click on rewards store right over here on the left side of this menu once you get over to the rewards store there's going to be some popular rewards but then there's also going to be a button to show all the rewards now to get to the PayPal money what you guys are gonna do is click on all rewards and that will display everything we're gonna be wanting to convert our points to PayPal cash and that's going to be the top one right here called PayPal so go ahead and click on that that'll bring me right over here now there's two PayPal payment options so there's one here for $20 and you're gonna need about twelve thousand points for that and then a second one here for $50 and you're gonna need about thirty thousand points so just keep an eye on your account when your points start to accumulate and then once they get up to that certain number whatever it is then come over here click on the rewards store and cash it out alright so the two websites that you guys are gonna want to go to to get paid for watching videos the first one's going to be earnably this is over at great website very well-designed very user friendly go over there and check it out sign up and get registered right away the other websites going to be  looks just like this so you guys make sure you're at the right place all you have to do is click on get started you guys will be on your way to start earning some money watching videos now guys let's face it let's face it what's the problem with all of these websites let's face it guys you're not going to get rich doing this right there's several

websites here you can watch videos you have to have the videos playing for hours and hours and hours and maybe you'll earn like 30 dollars in an hour but it'll take you a couple days to do that and it just it's just going to take a really long time you're gonna have to watch so many videos and after a while you know it's not really going to pay as much as even a part-time job and so this really reminds me back in the day when I was struggling when I was looking for ways to make money online and I struggled guys for a very very long time here's a picture of me in Southern Oregon actually my garage was my office I had this big jacket on I had a little heater in there but I struggled guys for a very very long time months and just trying to figure out you know what is the secret for making money online how am I gonna go from a job or how I'm gonna go from a place where you know I'm putting so much physical labor in or maybe I've got a pension check that I'm just not happy with and what else can I do to earn more money not just to pay the bills but maybe something where I have a little bit extra maybe extra money to save and then maybe just go do whatever I want with you know spend time with the family that's what I wanted and it wasn't until I plugged in with the right people

that showed me step-by-step exactly how to create a full time not only a full time income but a passive income right on line and as a matter of fact this has allowed my family and I to move down here to southern Florida I'm gonna share this with you guys right on this video this is absolutely going to blow you away but here's a picture of us and you know we were in Southern Oregon oh and it was you know the way there wasn't too great we were cold all the time we had to add the kids inside like you know nine to ten months out of the year and you know you know I might my daughter she said hey Dad I want to go out and play but you know it was just too cold and the weather the dry conditions were really not that good so I asked my wife I said honey if you could go anywhere in the United States you know where do you want to go so we decided to go to Florida you know we figured it was warm down there so here's what we did we packed

the car and we sold almost everything that we owned except for this little you know we had some you know clothes and different things in little boxes and stuff when we piled them all into this little u-haul trailer and we towed this little trailer here behind us and we drove clear across the country all the way to Florida we got out of Oregon now don't get me wrong Oregon's beautiful and all that but it just wasn't right for us we wanted to be in a warmer climate be able to be in our flip-flops and as a matter of fact I went from this day right here you're looking at me and I have this huge jacket on with these pants and I went from that to a week later arriving here in Florida with flip-flops and shorts like just a week later and I thought that was so cool but you know what we wouldn't have been able to do all of this unless we plugged in with the right people that showed us step-by-step that would take us by the hand no gimmicks no games a legit type of thing that

 I wanted that's all I wanted something not not just to make money overnight but something for the long-term a passive income a passive income is something where you can make money while you sleep as a matter of fact I woke up this morning and I had new money inside of my account well how do you do that right and what about money while you're out traveling while you're out on vacation or maybe you're out you know going out to eat or whatever and you can just look at your phone and then see new money arrive right on your phone inside of your account well how was that possible well that's what I want to share with you guys today down below in the description of this video there's a link there go ahead and click on that and that'll take you to over to another video of me and I'm going to talk about this and share a little bit about what this whole thing is all about it doesn't take that long okay there's no obligation right now check out that link below in the description and all get that information over to you right away if you guys enjoyed this video and if you want more videos about making the money online Hey hit that subscribe button give me a thumbs up and whenever I come out with a new video I'll send you a notification and an update so you don't miss a thing alright guys you have an awesome day 


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